On Monday the Egg overheated and after consulting with the mechanic we decided to let it go.
My mom bought the car new in 1990 and in 2002 we took ownership, and for eight years the Egg took us where we needed to go. These last two years big price tag fixes started to happen and it started showing signs of aging. The thought of "this is the beginning of the end," crossed our minds more than once and this summer after a hefty fix, we decided that the next issue that took us into the thousands financially would be the end. Many of my friends drove the Egg and had the pleasure of sitting in the backseat. I know my friend, D in Knoxville, will always have fond memories of riding to Senior Taco crammed in the back and my friend I, in SF, having to ride in the front eating his knees, because he is over 6ft tall.
When B drove it into the car lot yesterday he had to have the heater blasting to prevent it from overheating. At the end the tires were bald, the CD player was broken, the passenger door mirror was hanging on by a thread, and that is not even mentioning all of the under-the-hood issues. We now have a new vehicle, but this post is to honor, The Egg.