Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Raindrops keeping falling on my head.

I wish.
I am unhealthy obsessed with the drought. As a native of the great state of California it enrages me that there is not more coverage and action towards finding alternatives, aggressive restrictions and the like to help our dry state.
Typically, I blame the millennials for everything (usually in a "get off my lawn" high water pants, shaking my fist, kids and their rock music kind of way), but I think that there is major denial about the dire situation our poor state is in...
I think fast forward action and making people aware of it EVERY day is what needs to be done.
Not to sound like the crazy guy at the Civic Center BART station who yells about the apocalypse or anything, but I want news agencies to shove it down the throats of people.
Don't get me wrong, I was very interested in Angelina's lady parts, but did NPR have to report it?
There is an opportunity here for people to come together and do right.
As someone who was born and raised in  California, I am a bit arrogant- because I am a native.
I say drive around in your dirty cars, let your lawns die, and demand that fracking in California stop.
Let us all become mini-conservationists. I am sure someone can make an app for that.