Saturday, January 4, 2025

Do you have the time to listen to me whine? About nothin and everything all at once.

2025. Well- here we are.

How do I tackle 2025?

Do I put my head in the sand?
Stay clear of all social media?
Protest everyday?
Boycott everything?
Get well fitted blinders?

Here is the thing. I want balance in my life. There are things I can control and so many things I cannot.

So maybe a little of everything is in order.

Already I have set the bar very low for 2025. 

But not for myself. 

Professionally and artistically I am working on projects and trying to get the best work possible out of me. 
Hopefully this year the book I co-edited will be coming out (some really good stuff in it if you are into academic librarianship), I am co-moderating a round table at a conference, and will be looking for call outs for  book chapters. It has been awhile and I think I am due to write some more on the profession I love.  I will continue to kick ass at work and serve students at 150%.

I have also decided to take some classes so I can work with other mediums and create art (mosaics, knitting), make more puppet videos, and get some music projects going. Oh yeah, and write. Fiction? Maybe. I dunno maybe start a writer group or something. Not sure still workshopping this endeavor.

To be able to have balance in my life I think  some days I will have to  have my head in the sand, be free of social media, and give myself a temporary lobotomy with popcorn tv binges. Other days I will participate and add my voice of dissent, and do other duties as needed to start a revolution.

The world is whackadoodle these days. War. Hate. Distrust. Garbage people in power. The works (shitty works!).  

Lucky for me I have a rad kid and an awes husband who are there for me to help me put my head in the sand or walk beside me during a protest.

Good luck to all of us.