I am in the home stretch of my first draft of my thesis. I have no idea if it is any good and at this time I do not care. I mean I care, but I just want my adviser to bleed all over it so I can fix it up real nice for my committee. Two weeks ago, I rented my cap and gown, joined the alumni association and Monday I will send in my Phi Kappa Phi forms. Phi Kappa Phi! I have not walked for graduation since I was in high school. My mom says watching me graduate from high school was a high point (and if you saw my transcripts from HS you would understand), but this time when I walk it will be for me. I did this! Yes, I had help (thanks B, you are the best), but it is all me. This whole graduate school adventure has been amazing...I have met some great people that I hope will be life long friends -H, J, J and J, P, E at UT- C, M, S, and L at CSULB- taken classes with some amazing professors, and learned so much about not only the discipline of musicology, but putting music in a social context, musical analysis, and of course f@%$ing Christmas songs. I might not have gotten into a PhD program, but I will have a M.A. So everyone will have to start addressing me as "Master Watson."