My lil' daughter has great taste in music so far...I dance with her when she starts her fuss-fuss and so far she likes Squeeze, Crowded House, Jenny Lewis, The Knitters, John Doe, and The Old 97s. Also, Catpower seems to sooth her. Maybe she is getting depressed. I better skip over Nick Drake.
I am still not a fan of breastfeeding, it is getting better and I am sure I will have fond memories of it twenty years from now.
Last week lil' M forgot how to latch. I mean she had been doing it for a month and all of a sudden it was like
Memento or something. Four weeks after I got my driver's license I didn't try to start the car from the backseat or put gasoline in the trunk. Yes, she is only four weeks old, but c'mon!
We have also introduced the bottle. She does not mind it and the thought that I don't have to wear her like a necklace is also a lot less stress for me.
When I called around to some lactation consultants to ask a few questions about pumping, bottle introduction, good formulas, etc I was surprised that of the 4 calls I made only one called me back. Since I don't use names I will refer to the one who called back as "Whore."
Whore made me feel so bad about myself right out the gate. And when I asked about having formula around in case I did not have any pumped milk, or for whatever reason (damn, it ain't none of her concern anyway) she made me feel like a HORRIBLE mother and person in general.
Fighting back tears I thanked her (I think she might have caught on that I was upset) and then stayed in bed for the rest of the day. Me and lil' M had actually a great time lounging on the bed and watching programs I had seen a million times (hello,
American President). We also watched
another Annette Bening joint
The Kids Are Alright. I thought it was a pile of garbage, but other people like it.
I don't mean to speak ill of the profession of lactation consultants, but of the handful I have come in contact with really don't do a whole lot of consulting. There is a lot of judging and criticizing but not much else.
I start an internship tomorrow and I am super excited, but I will miss the lil' one. It will be the longest I have been away from her- four hours.